On Becoming a Better Writer
I am not a natural writer. Hell, I'm not even sure what constitutes a "natural writer." Perhaps Joyce and Hemingway and Dostoevsky all shimmied out of…
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Authentic Marketing
Modern-day advertisers are nothing but aggregators of eyeballs. They get paid to encourage you to take action. What’s the best way to make you act? To…
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Death of the Marketing Penny
We’re all slobbering dogs, drooling on command for today’s Pavlovian advertisements. We’ve been trained by well-paid marketers and advertisers and scholars of demography. We catch a…
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Writing as a Daily Priority
Take a look at your day-to-day life. Through the hustle and bustle of your daily grind, what banal, tedious, mundane tasks eat up most of your…
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Tell a Better Story: 3 Tricks that Aren’t Tricks
As far as I can tell, there are no magical writing secrets. There is no magic wand, no set of tricks, no way to flip a…
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Finding Your Writing Voice
Some rules are not meant to be broken. Some are. Many rules are pliable: they can be bent and manipulated and shaped to produce a desired outcome. The beautiful…
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